Most Excellent Investor Watchlist Comparisons to S&P 500
Watchlists for members and performance comparisons for members have a detailed list of stocks with more analytics than what's shown in the sample below.
The performance table shown below is summarized from all of the watchlists produced for members each trading day. The 'AVG DAYHI GAIN% DIFF%' column is most pertinent for comparison purposes. Check the Glossary for full details.
Most Excellent Investor Watchlists Performance Compared to S&P 500 - (Glossary)
In our Member's Area at the beginning of each trading day there are watch lists for every hour of the trading day with dozens of winning trades! Also there are watchlists with stocks matching higher highs and higher lows short and long term chart patterns.
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FAQ (For This Page)
What kind of stock analysis tools are available to members?
The standard day trading indicators have already been computed for each stock in the AMEX, NASDAQ, NYSE, along with proprietary algorithm computations. The standard indicators are: On-balance volume (OBV), Accumulation/distribution (A/D) line, Moving average convergence divergence (MACD), and Relative Strength index (RSI). The resulting key performance indicator computations for each stock are ranked and filtered and categorized and presented on Most Excellent Investor watchlists that can be used by members to pick stocks to trade. The combined performance of Most Excellent Investor watchlists against the S&P 500 index is shown in the table above.
Can I customize a watchlist based on each separate indicator?
There is no screener based on computing the indicators, computations from each have already been combined in the analytics for each watchlist. Once displayed you can filter and sort stocks by each indicator shown on the page.
Do your watchlists rank which indicator is the best?
Remember that the best indicator depends on your investing style, preferences, and goals. Most Excellent Investor uses a combination of both fundamental and technical analysis and the results combine for outstanding performance every day (see chart above). Individual stock trader preferences will be the deciding factor for any stock they choose from the list.
Membership pays for itself with one successful trade see our membership FAQ.
Disclaimer: The content on this page is neither a solicitation to buy or to sell any security. Before trading in any stock or other security it is highly recommended that you consult with a professional adviser.